About Us
The Fungus Survey of Oxfordshire is a friendly, small, group which welcomes beginners and has members of all ages and mycological ability and has been running since 1987. We have a number of interesting fungal sites in the county for regular visits. Ancient woodland, good quality grassland and wet woodland are usually the most productive sites, but every year we go to two new sites out of the 10 or so surveys to increase our coverage of the county. The surveys are mostly Saturday or Sunday, with an average of 15 people attending. Many of our sites have limited parking, so this is a good number for us. Sorry, but dogs are not allowed, out of respect to land-owner's requests, or because many sites are places that pheasant rearing is carried out. Children are welcome if they are genuinely keen on fungi and parents are present and keep them under good control. All leaders are chosen on the basis that they know the sites for their particular survey very well and can direct us to the fungal-rich areas as well as knowing all health and safety issues, although they do not have to be mycological experts.
An in-depth history of the Fungus Survey of Oxfordshire, written by Molly Dewey and Wendy MacEachrane can be found by clicking on this link: https://anhso.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/frit9-fungussurvey.pdf.

Fungi enthusiasts at the FSO National Fungus Day event held at Harcourt Arboretum, Nuneham Courtney.

Our President, Richard Fortey, being filmed in 2020 at Harcourt Arboretum, Nuneham Courtney.

Harcourt Arboretum, 9 October 2022